Monthly Mixtape Madness ... 2022-2023

Mixtape Institute


START 10 * 1 * 2022

END 11 * 1 * 2022

Trei to Patrick

Bob to Dan

Patrick to Michael

Dan to Trei

Michael to Bob


START 11 * 1 * 2022

END 12 * 1 * 2022

Patrick to Dan

Dan to Michael

Michael to Trei

Trei to Bob

Bob to Patrick


START 12 * 1 * 2022

END 1 * 1 * 2023

Patrick to Bob

Dan to Patrick

Michael to Dan

Trei to Michael

Bob to Trei


START 1 * 1 * 2023

END 2 * 1 * 2023

Patrick to Trei

Dan to Bob

Michael to Patrick

Trei to Dan

Bob to Michael

Monthly Mixtape Madness
Each month you make and send a mixtape based on a set rotation schedule.
You also forward the last tape you received.
Keep the tapes made for you.
60 minute tapes
Music selection is up to you, no rules
Set list required. Liner notes and art optional.
Put a photo of the tape and set list in the group chat when you get it.